Features and characteristics of the products of Groasis
To get a good overview of the product characteristics of the various products that Groasis has developed, we have put the datasheets in a list for you. Below you can find all the datasheets and the links to the product pages so you can find all the information that you need.
Plant trees and vegetables in a water-saving and environmentally friendly way
The Growboxx® plant cocoon has several unique features. The planter cannot only grow a fruit tree or other productive tree with less water, but the planter can grow at the same time 4 vegetables, shrubs or flowers. When the 4 vegetables are planted, like tomatoes, money can be earned with the fruits in the first year. This allows the planter to earn the money back that he has paid for the box.
Plant trees with 90% less water!
You can plant trees with less water with the Waterboxx® plant cocoon. Because we made the Waterboxx® plant cocoon from polypropylene, you can use the box 10 times! This results in the fact that the Waterboxx® plant cocoon is suitable for – for example – large ecosystem restoration projects that cannot be planted within 1 year.

Plant instructions for the Groasis Waterboxx plant cocoon in 5 languages
This instruction document is valid for the re-usable and biodegradable version of the Waterboxx. In order to get the best results, please follow the recommendations in the document.
Make quick and efficient planting holes with the capillary drills
Planting trees with less water can require some work. While you use the Groasis Ecological Water Saving Technology, you have to make planting holes first before you use the Waterboxx® or Growboxx® plant cocoon to plant trees with less water. On a rocky surface, making planting holes can be laborious and sometimes impossible! Therefore, Groasis has developed several capillary drills that can make up to 6,000 (!) planting holes per day. Ideal for fast planting of large areas.
Protect your trees from grazing animals
When you’ve planted a tree, you don’t want goats, sheeps or other animals eating your young tree. The Growsafe Telescoprotexx protects your tree so it can grow safely and quickly while you need less water. The Growsafe Telescoprotexx is made from a special material that filters light rays, so your plant can grow extra fast and safe!
Increase the water infiltration
Increase the water infiltration in the soil with the Groasis Terracedixx. The Groasis Terracedixx is a device that can make terraces on slopes andon bare terrains. With these terraces, you can increase the water infiltration with 300%!
The advantages of the Groasis Ecological Water Saving Technology
Planting trees with less water with the Groasis Ecological Water Saving Technology gives you many advantages. One of those benefits is that you do not only save a lot of water, but also money and time!